Parents! It is almost time for our 2024 Confirmation Classes to start. If you have any questions, contact our Director of Tween’s Ministry, Selby at 662-202-8011 or


Helpful Information for Selecting a Confirmation Mentor
What is a confirmation mentor?
A mentor is an adult who acts as a guide and special friend to a confirmand and......needs to be someone of mature faith who can serve as a guide and companion on this important part of their journey of someone who will encourage your child to express his or her faith and questions openly....needs to be the kind of person who listens and who recognizes that he or she is still growing in the faith, rather than an “I have all the answers” kind of adult....ideally is a member of our church and, generally speaking, girls need women as mentors and boys need men as mentors.

The mentor you select will need to be willing to...
...establish a meaningful relationship with his/her confirmand.
...pray for his/her confirmand and all who are part of the confirmation experience.
...attend 7 confirmation sessions as seen on the confirmation schedule.
...attend worship with his/her confirmand as much as possible.
...schedule times outside of church to hang out with their confirmand.
...always inform their confirmand in advance if they will not be able to attend a Sunday session and reschedule a time to make-up the missed lesson.
...participate in Confirmation Sunday Worship
....agree to complete a background check in accordance with our church’s Safe Sanctuary policy.

A word of encouragement: Sometimes parents are hesitant to ask someone to serve as their child’s mentor once they see how much time and effort is required of the mentor. Please take a leap of faith and ask someone anyway. Let the person know upfront how much is being asked of them, and then trust that he or she will be honest about whether or not he/she can follow through. Experience has proven that the mentors often get as much out of the experience as the confirmands.

It is also tempting to pick a family member to serve as your child’s mentor. We discourage this because it is important that your child establish meaningful Christian relationships outside his/her family. If you need help in choosing a Mentor, contact Selby!